For a good overview of occupational health for animal users, read: Working Safely with Animals.
Step 1: Occupational Health Screening
Complete the (MHS) Medical Health Screening Questionnaire
All animal users for all species are required to complete the MHS Questionnaire (annual participation).
MHS Questionnaire Instructions:
- Login with MyAccess and click "I accept" to continue onto the survey.
- For Off-site/Outside of the UCSF Network: Refer to the VPN instructions for access. To secure private health information, access can only be from a UCSF campus based computer or through VPN. For questions contact [email protected].
Occupational Health Training Requirements for USDA Covered Species:
- All USDA Species users must complete:
Contact [email protected] to complete any health screenings and clearances
Species Specific Training (In-Person): Contact [email protected].
- Old-World Primate (Macaque) users must also complete:
Herpes B Training (Online tutorial): Access in the UC Learning Center
Herpes B Orientation (In-Person): Contact [email protected].
- Sheep users must also complete:
Q Fever Training (Online tutorial): Access in the UC Learning Center